Orchard ecologic

We have two organic vegetable gardens, which provide us with fresh seasonal vegetables both in summer and winter.

At the Torre del Marqués estate we have two organic vegetable gardens, one in summer and one in winter, which serve as a larder for the restaurant, allowing us to have fresh fruit and vegetables almost at any time of the year, as well as spices and aromatic herbs.

In the summer garden we grow up to six varieties of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, courgettes and melons, among other vegetables.

When the cold weather arrives, the typical summer garden gives way to the winter crops, among which we find different cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli or romanescu, artichokes, pumpkins and beans.

At “La Atalaya del Tastavins” we offer you the chance to visit the orchard with the kitchen staff and pick your own vegetables and greens, which you can then enjoy at the restaurant table.